one surgery down, 2 to go, Zoe, and no cider

Ahh it felt just like old times as the anaesthetist prepared me for surgery.

Since my major surgery for Cholangiocarcinoma in 2012, I have suffered with chronic pain in the area of my scar along my abdomen, a scar that runs about half way around my body. I have seen multiple health professionals over the years and have tended to be prescribed long term pain relief.

Last year during a bout of gastro problems the hospital gave me an mri and off-hand mentioned that I really should get my hernia repaired.

Fast forward about a year and here I am a few weeks after surgery and already in far less pain than I was before! But having also found out that although one hernia was fixed, the surgeon decided not to fix another because the tissue all along the scar inside is ‘fraying’ and he suspects I will need more major surgery at some point. Fun fun!

Next up is knee surgery. Last year while running I injured my knee, with no real apparent reason, about 8 miles into a half marathon training run (fully supported by a great running coach through WeRun). My left knee popped with pain, I carried on running to get home but the next day could barely get out of bed. Two physios and two surgical consultants later I am about to have another mri, this one on my knee, with possibly torn medial meniscus and damaged bone. So I shall look forward to that repair soon, which may well mean weeks on crutches.

Next up after that is the good old snip, let’s not talk about that just yet though!

I am hopeful that in the new year at some point I will be able to get back to running again, it is incredible how much I miss it, not least for the physical health benefits but also the mental health. Right now I can barely walk a km without being in a lot of pain from my knee.

On a positive note, I have stopped drinking cider and am taking part in the Zoe healthy eating program, since these 2 things started a few weeks ago, I have lost 9kg’s in weight and around 6 inches from my waist. Although the weight loss has now slowed, it is continuing to drop, so I’m really happy with that. If anyone asks, I’m happy to recommend the Zoe healthy eating programme, ask nice and I can share a 10% off code for friends!

Oh, and, I don’t even miss the cider.

Mostly 😉


Bumps in the Road

Hello everyone, it’s Adam here, keeping it real with you all.

You know, we often talk about the highs, the victories, the times when everything seems to fall into place. But let’s face it, life ain’t always sunshine and rainbows, is it? We all face challenges, and right now, I’m wrestling with a few of my own.

Remember my old mate, the runner’s knee? Well, it’s still causing a bit of a fuss. The road to recovery has been long, winding, and frankly, pretty frustrating. Running, my former sanctuary, still feels a world away.

And then there’s the everyday hustle. It’s exciting, sure, but it can also feel like a pressure cooker. Deadlines, strategy meetings, always having to be on top of my game – it can be a bit of a beast. Some days, it feels like I’m climbing a mountain with no peak in sight.

Family, my most cherished part of life, brings its own set of curveballs. Being a dad is a beautiful chaos, but when you’re spinning so many plates, some are bound to wobble. Some days it feels like I can’t give them the time they deserve, which hurts.

Then of course we have the constant chronic pain that has accompanied me since my cancer surgery. It invades every moment of every day, my normal, but man it is debilitating.

And then of course there’s the scale. Those stubborn pounds, they’re hanging around like unwanted party guests. It’s a struggle, no doubt about it. In the grand juggling act of life, my personal health goals seem to be the ball that keeps slipping away.

But here’s the truth – it’s downright hard. I’ve had moments where I’ve wanted to throw in the towel, to just say ‘enough’.

So what’s next? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m grappling with my own challenges, trying to carve out a path forward. It’s not going to be an easy journey, but then again, when has it ever been?

But hey, this is life, right? It’s messy, unpredictable, and at times, unbearably hard. But in the end, it’s all part of the journey.

So, here’s to embracing the struggle, to facing our challenges head-on, and to finding our strength even in the toughest of times. And remember, it’s okay not to be okay.

Till we talk again,


Navigating Life’s Course: Balancing Work, Family, and Personal Health

Hey there folks,

It’s Adam, again, navigating my way through the labyrinth of life. Last time we chatted, we explored a new chapter in my running journey, didn’t we? But, as life has its unique way of reminding us, running isn’t the only thing I’m juggling. There’s work, the wonderful chaos of family life, and my ongoing battle with the scales and the lifelong effects of cancer.

I see work and life as like running. All about endurance and strategy, knowing when to push hard and when to rest. When to take action and when to think and be thankful.

Then there’s my young family, my team. Being a dad, it’s an adventure in itself – unpredictable, rewarding, filled with belly laughs and the occasional (daily?!) tantrum (mine, not the kids, honestly!). Seeing those little faces light up and hearing ‘Daddy Daddy Daddy’ when I walk through the door? That’s the best! It makes everything worthwhile!

But let’s be real, juggling a high-pressure job, a young family, and personal health goals ain’t a walk in the park. Remember my wobbly knee and those extra pounds I’ve been carrying around? Yeah, they’re still here. But I’m not letting them or the after effects of cancer have the last laugh.

I’m learning to find balance, to find harmony in the whirlwind. It’s about fitting in a quick cycle during a lunch break, choosing the healthier option (well, most of the time), and quality time with the kids amidst it all.

So, what’s next? Well, as I tiptoe back into running, it’s gonna be a juggling act. But you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. Because amidst the chaos, the stress, and the uncertainties, I’ve got my team – my family – and a job that keeps me on my toes (when my knee allows it).

So here’s the deal – I’m not just going to navigate through this labyrinth, I’m going to own it. I’m not just about posting runs; I’m about posting real life. The good, the bad, and everything in between.

That’s all for now, folks. Keep your fingers crossed for my knee, and send some good vibes my way as I head into this new chapter of wellbeing, work, and the joy of family life.

Until next time,


Charting a New Course: My Personal Running

Hey there, it’s Adam back on the mic (or keyboard, rather).

Last time we chatted, I filled you in on my runner’s knee saga. It’s still a work in progress, but hey, life’s all about rolling with the punches, right?

I’ve spent the last while swapping running for spinning away on my turbo trainer. It’s not quite the same as the wind in my hair on a morning run, but it’s movement, and that counts.

Throughout this forced time-out, I’ve had time to think. You know what I realised? I miss the rhythm of my feet on the pavement, the clarity of thought with every mile. But there were parts I didn’t miss so much – the constant tracking, the public Strava posts, the unspoken competition it all bred.

So, I’ve made a decision. As I look to the future, I’m taking running back for myself. I’m planning to focus on my wellbeing while running, walk, stop, run, just move when I can, have a sustainable recovery then enjoy the journey.

This period of stillness has given me a chance to rethink my relationship with running. I want to shift the focus inward, run for my own wellbeing rather than the stopwatch. Less about chasing PBs, more about chasing tranquillity.

While I’m here, I might as well admit – I’m toying with the idea of the London Marathon after entering the ballot. But if I go down that road, it’s going to be different this time. I want running to be my personal therapy, a way to reconnect with myself, not a stage for competition.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m itching to lace up my running shoes again. But when I do, I’m doing it on my terms. It’ll be less about pace and more about peace – mental and physical.

For now, my journey is more like a stroll than a sprint. But with every small step, I’m edging closer to my goal. And, in the face of it all, I’ll keep pushing forward.

Maybe in the future, you’ll hear less about my runs and more about my calm musings during peaceful, solitary jogs.

So, until next time, here’s to personal growth, to the journey of recovery, and to the joy found in every comfortable stride.

Stay strong,


Injured, and down

So, a while ago, while on a run, my left knee twinged. The next day I could barely walk.

That was several months ago now, and it’s not improving, I have not been able to run and have a permanent limp. I’ve been to two physios and am now waiting on a hospital referral.

I’ve been doing a little cycling on my turbo trainer, but it’s not the same. It’s amazing the effect it has on mental health. I’ve been super stressed, weight has been going on and lots of things feel bad due to both. Running is not easy, not running is even worse.

Ahh well. I just need to keep moving. I’ve entered the obligatory London Marathon ballot. Let’s see what happens there lol.

I will try to write some more soon, been super busy with work and my mind has not been in a good place for writing tbh.

Talk soon


Turning the page

So of course like everyone else, I’m thinking about 2022 now. 2021 has not been my greatest year for running, in fact, probably one of my worst, especially if I review my statistics, although, being a stats nerd, I can make them work for me 🙂

I have not run now for something like 6 weeks after being ill with a really bad cold and cough and then (I think) breaking a toe, I think, because now that we are in the grip of Omicron, there was no way I was going to get it checked at a hospital for them to just strap it up the same as I can.

Now I’m thinking it is time to turn the page on 2021 in my head and look forward to 2022, with a new baby on the way in January, I have no plans to set lofty goals.

I was sat on the sofa, beer in hand and foot up, when my wife mentioned that a family friend had just signed up for the Oxford half.

And then all of a sudden, so was I ! Thanks Katie!

Here we go again! But at least it is something that I am confident with. I had planned to just focus on my 5k time which has slipped dramatically but here we are and I’m now considering purchasing a coaching plan, new gear, blah blah blah!

The Oxford half is a lovely run and fairly local to me, I’ve run it before, so I have a good insight to the route, the one thing that sticks in my mind are the cobblestones, ahh the pain lol.

I have some weight to lose (some, ha!) and we will have a young baby, but with some flexibility around what time of day I run and maybe taking our nearly 2 year old on some of the runs in her buggy, I think I can successfully train for a HM for October 2022. The plan will be key, but the discipline to execute is what will really make the difference.

I found that using a power based plan before did not help me, I actually got slower, so this time, I will be going full on and asking a coach to create me a plan, making sure the objective (time target) is realistic and achievable, I have a time in mind, but I want to see what the coach thinks and follow the advice.

So while 2021 has not been a great year in many ways, I’m now ready for 2022 and mentally preparing for the changes that are fast approaching.

I do hope that you all are safe, stay safe and that 2022 brings an end (or at least an improvement) to the Covid-19 situation, and that you all have a wonderful Christmas.



Bit of a struggle

So running, right now, is a bit of a struggle.

After my ultra I have struggled with motivation, struggling with knee pain, with work life balance, with the demands of children blah blah blah! As I type this it sounds like excuses, but quite honestly, it’s been a struggle. I went out today for my first run in 2-3 weeks with a friend, and we ran slowly, deliberately, just because we both need to.

I really enjoyed the slow run.

I was at physiotherapist yesterday to get some help with my knees and he has diagnosed knee bursitis. He gave a massage to the connecting muscles and did dry needling, I left with almost zero pain and my run today only twinged slightly in one knee which was a real relief. I now plan to continue in this way, just taking it gentle, no aims or objectives for a little while, to allow my knees to heal and my mojo to return.

I have a couple of 10k’s planned coming up soon, so I will need to be very careful in those and just accept that I am going to be even slower than normal for a while.

Once I start feeling stronger, I think it would be a good idea to focus on 5k for a while and see how consistent I can get with time and then once consistent, set myself a target! But first, heal, health and mojo!


Ok, so happy running all, and take care.


Quick update

Here’s a link to a quick vlog I made.

So I’ve been training since 23rd February and it’s been pretty tough for many reasons, mostly not because of the running itself. Much of my difficulty lies in managing the balancing act between work, family life and attempting to train for an ultra. Now that’s no different to other people’s challenges, but there’s no getting away from the fact that it’s a serious challenge and everyone’s situation is different.

Essentially, where I am is that I can happily run about 3 times further than I could at the beginning of my training. I was struggling to run a 5k, now I’m happy running up to 9 miles. Nowhere near enough for an ultra of course, so my plan is to walk as much as I need to during the event itself and not worry about it. Knowing that the experience will add value for next time!

The fact I am now happy to run that distance is important to me, finding the time to do so is still a challenge, so I’m just being kind to myself and running whenever I can and trying to stick to my plan as much as I can.

Ok, so take care all, happy running!


Well that hurt

Well, yesterday I ran along The Ridgeway, was aiming for 2 hours in power zone 2, did not achieve that!

I am learning to respect The Ridgeway.

My training plan was to run 2:45 on Sunday, this was never on the cards as I had missed some training due to ‘reasons out of my control” such as a 1-year-old, and work, insomnia, physical pain related to my cancer surgery etc. So I had planned for a 2-hour run, which was my longest this year, at that, I only managed 9 miles and even then, not in zone 2. The hills pushed me up into zone 5 at times and predominantly zones 3 and 4, despite being slow!

Aside from power zones and pace, I was running in my Vibram trail shoes, which to be honest, I might have as well been running barefoot and it felt like I was running the whole 9 miles on cobblestones. It. Really. Hurt!

I mean. Really.

By mile 5, I was suffering big-time, like no other run.

I had run a 10k the day before so my legs were a little tired anyhow but nothing dramatic. I had also had a bad nights sleep and was not feeling it but went anyway, after some mocking from my ever-loving wife when I was trying to chicken out of the ‘long run’, she rightly said, if you can’t run 2 hours now, how can you expect to run the ultra in 2 months? She was right and I knew it, so my stubborn side kicked in and took control.

Bloody idiot!

I ran, it hurt and it was slow and it was not pretty, but I slogged through a painful 9 miles at a ridiculously slow pace and I cared not a jot!

I ran up a huge hill, chatting to cyclists as I overtook them and then they overtook me and we switched places a couple of times, I stopped for photos I convinced myself that I would carry on, limping while running and then I discovered a new mantra for myself that kept me going.


I had no choice, either give up and sit or just keep going, so I repeatedly told myself to suck it up buttercup.

This worked!

I swore at myself. I mocked myself. Then I ended up telling myself that I am better than I thought I was. Particularly when I got within 30 minutes of my finish point. 

So my lesson of the day is that I must respect The Ridgeway. It is beautiful but unforgiving, in its way.


Big Bloke Running Ultra. 

Moving over to Vlogging!!

So…. I’m trying out Vlogging 

Here is the link to my first video

Not sure how this is going to play out, it’s maybe my technology geek coming through! I know I don’t have the right lighting yet or maybe background etc, but I’m playing with it and having fun.


Let me know what you think if you have a few minutes to spare 🙂

